Update: January 6, 2019

The beginning of the year has been extremely busy for me, which meant that, unfortunately, this blog had to go on the back burner for a bit. Below you’ll find a list of updates on where I’ve been and my plans for this blog and other projects in the future. I would hate for people to stumble onto this blog and to think I gave up on it after only a couple of months of operation.


Starting at the end of this month, I have a handful of conventions that I will be attending. They will serve as an opportunity for me to sell my artwork and to network with other creatives including illustrators and various black business owners. I have been working around the clock to create a new line of illustrations and prints, which has been taking up all of my spare time. I have also been outsourcing the printing to take some of the load off and to make things less expensive.

Audible Addixion

I recently joined the team at Audible Addixion, writing music reviews for artists. Sometimes I review singles, other times I review an entire body of work. I do this about every two weeks, but I usually receive the topic about five days before the deadline.


Movie and music reviews are actually my favorite kinds of blog posts. I constantly watch movies and listen to music anyway, and commentary is just really fun to write. I also feel like I’m more educated in these areas than the average consumer might be. I want to get into not only reviewing movies and music on here, but also getting into criticism and posting them in on YouTube in both long and short form video. I have been working on things like video editing and sound quality so that the videos are not complete garbage when I begin to post them. Hopefully, the first few of these will be up by the beginning of the year.


As far as this blog is concerned, I have several posts in the works.The new year always brings new music releases and there are some music releases and movies that I need to catch up on, so consistent posts will be back soon.

I am also working on a lot more behind the scenes, but this is all I am going to discuss for right now. I would not want to jinx myself by revealing information too early. But thank you for coming to my website and staying up to date with the latest. I appreciate it.